Electrolysis Hours 27-28-29-30
Finally I am getting the chance to record the last 4 hours of electrocutin' nasty facial hair.
There was a week of no electrolysis between the 29th and the 30th hours.
No major changes to report as far as preparation for all these sessions on my part, I have been using the same lidocaine mix cream.
On the 30th hour Kim tried a new needle in a small section of my face to see if the healing and the pain was any different from the usual smaller sized one she has been using on me since the beginning of our electrifying battle with the evil hair empire.
My findings are as follow as far as the larger gauge:
The pain treshold was no different. However, I have noticed less irritations with much less redness and swelling. The actual area she tested it on was to the side of the chin area which, in my case, is less irritable to begin with.