
I visited regal palaces and mud huts
Beautiful arboretum and gardens
All the most famous museums
Prayed in the oldest churches
Kneeled inside foreign temples
Climbed the tallest mountains
Descended the steepest hills
I've been thirsty in the driest of deserts
Crossed all the vast oceans
Stood on the edge of the mighty falls
Walked in the coldest ice and snow
Been pushed by the hottest winds
Gazed at the million stars
Watched the sun and the moon
light up the darkest sky
Chased hungry hippos and lions
Fed gorillas and baboons
Navigated the longest rivers
Explored jungles and forests
Been calm before a storm
Listened to the loudest sound
And the deafening silence
Of manipulated science
This is why I am grateful
To still have both my feet
firmly on the ground
This is why whether I live or die
I am forever thankful
To be earth bound

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