My Cage

I used to seek out the world
But now I live in a much safer
self generated A.I. cage
One day, I am what you crave
Another day, what you want
buried in a nameless grave

If you swipe to the right
Or if you send me a fiery tap
The door to my world
will immediately open up

Don't worry, don't you see?
I know what it's all about
Your secrets are safe
And will stay here with me

Let me show you how I live
Resistant to territorial rage
impervious to ignorance
and the media driven hate
Let me show you what is
in our DNA encrypted fate

Please, accept my invitation
without any hesitation
Come visit me here
There's no need to have fear

There's no bias if you are
from a different race
Or a different gender
from the one assigned
on your birth certificate
If you have different beliefs
and ultimately if you are
much older in age
Everyone is welcome
In my limitless cage

No one will be able to say
That is cool or that is lame
Because, in the end,
The big reveal is that
Deep down, whether
We hide or show it
We all want the same

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