A Sad Day Today

The news of my uncle passing today has saddened me profoundly. Zio Pippo, as I will always remember him by, was a very important figure in my life. He was an old school doctor, the father to my beloved cousins. A person who was feared and revered at the same time through the eyes and hearts of all of us kids who have been lucky enough to be touched by him and his loving and professional ways.

This is for you Zio:

I will never be sorry to have awakened you from your afternoon naps with the kicking of our soccer ball hitting the loud metal garage doors we were using as imaginary goal posts. I am not sorry that we broke a few bottles of your precious Marsala wine either. But, I am sorry to not see you leaving the house to go to your practice. I'm sorry that I cannot see you smiling while sharing your moments of happiness during the listen of a beautiful song that you were then beautifully singing along back to me. I'm sorry I can not sit on the golden couches and get yelled at for it.

I love you and will miss you until my day comes. Do not worry I will come bother you with a health related question and for your sarcastic but always sweet answer.

Un bacio Zio.

1 comment

  • That was beautiful so sorry for your loss


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