My Legal Name Change

Today, the Honorable Judge, has ruled in favor of making my name finally legal!!
It was one of the most important parts to my well being and to my overall happiness that was still pending. Thank you, Judge! Thank you to all the people ( friends and family) whom have helped me get it done, even if simply by voicing your positive outlook and continued support. Next week it should get finalized with the issuing of the official document. Then, the long and meticulous process of changing all of my legal ids and official documents will begin. I am anxious to get everything done as soon as possible since this change affects my life greatly and, especially my current work that requires all kinds of certifications and documents. I am very happy now that another major milestone has been reached in this amazing journey, but I am also exhausted because it was a very emotional endeavor.

Nevertheless, I feel more complete today. 


  • I’m glad you made it ❤️

  • I am very happy for you, hon. And I will continue to offer you my support, as I am sure will all of your friends. —Guy

    Guy Natelli

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