The Effort That Goes a Long Way - Dead Name and Pronouns

I am so sorry that some of my best friends are having difficulties in addressing me with my female name and appropriate gender pronouns, she, her and hers.

I have to say it has uncontrollably and increasingly become more important to me.

I guess it is part of my evolution, of my transition.

Please know that even just showing my id or pay with a credit card that has my ( dead to me ) legal name is a source of great pain and misery. Hearing it from you, much worse.

In a way, I feel it is my fault and not yours. I feel guilty about it especially after having made it clear that I would understand that it can be very difficult especially for those who have known me the longest or that have been closer to me. 

I feel this may be an issue that is not so easily understood or given the proper attention but so important for us Trans. 

I hope this post will reach more people than just my circle of close friends and family so that you can all make that extra effort on behalf of friendships and love.

As always, I couldn't be more humbled, appreciative and thankful for those in my heart that get it and most importantly, still are with me.

I love you more than I can show you,

Gaby Ann Love



1 comment

  • Love you Gaby Ann,
    Be safe honey!
    Michaela Jean Boyce

    Michaela Boyce

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